Digital Learning and ePortfolios 80 second update
March 2018
John Kilroy, Head of Learning Technology, represented Harvest at the 9th Annual Forum on Digital Learning and ePortfolios in Washington, D.C. in January.
The subject of his presentation, ‘From a CV to an ePortfolio – An Exploration of Adult Learner’s Perception of the ePortfolio as a Job Seeking Tool’ is the output of significant research completed by John, as part of his master’s thesis.
We compiled an 80-second update for you, which you can watch above.
John’s presentation slide deck is available to view and download HERE.
The ePortfolio Forum is jointly sponsored by Association of American Colleges & Universities’ project, VALUE: Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education; the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), the Association of ePortfolio Professionals; and the International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP).
You can learn more about the event at
For more information about John, please click here.
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